Saturday, March 20, 2010

Attention All Nail Polish Lovers...

Nail Addicts Anonymous is having a fantastic give away! See here to enter!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


well i can't really think of much to say... but today i had a volleyball game! (I'm totally team captain BOOYAA) we won a set, out of like 4... they (astral drive i think) won 3 sets xD so now I'm losing my voice from all my peppyness. unlimited ppeeeepppp YEAH xD *hack hack* voiiccee. So just now, i was watching CSI and there's a woman who jumped out of her building, and her bones were all smashed to smithereens so she looked like JELLY! quite awesome, i know. people like do not shut up about my checkered nails. they're really fab but I've had them for a week shouldn't you have noticed yet? xD sooo bring your kid to work day is coming up! I'm going with my dad to the esso imperial *death* oil plant. My friend *who shall remain nameless until further notice* may be coming with me as well, because dad offered and her mom is not sure if shes allowed in the back room of her place of work *also remaining nameless*, UGH and you know what REALLY pisses me off? you need an iTunes account to use the genius feature on iTunes! ugh no one wants to put their credit card numbers on the comp! Nar. all for today aurevoir. =D :D xD

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Smancy New Widgets

Well as you may be able to tell from the blaring indie music you weren't expecting coming from your speakers, I added wigdets! Woo Hoo! Also, it is le duh that I have nothing to blog about today, besides widgets. Though also, today was picture day! I have yet to figure out how to smile properly with said braces that I have. (Did u know that I have braces? Well now you do!) SO I most likely look like >u< or >3< or >n< or something. Grreaatt.... But I did wear fab clothes!! FFAAABBBB aka a black and white striped half sweater over a red lacy shirt and skinnys! Oh and don't forget my plaid boots! PLAIIDDDD. (+ fuzzy socks)

Which brings me to the subject thaaaaattttt I do enjoy fashion quite a bit. Though I am a bit... unconventional.... though I love designer brands! Well most of the stuff anyways. Though im not a designer snob at all. I don't even think i own anything truly designer... just brand name (which sucks cuz its so common but some of the stuff is nice xD) SO yeah I kinda lost my train of thought... go find some fab webcomics to read cuz I'm gonna shut up now. PWND OUT BRODDA (that was lame enough for me to be proud of myself for xDxD) + OMG ITS LARGE TEXT NO WAYS

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Totally Time for a New Post

I just get so excited about blogging! (Pathetic, eh?) I keep on thinking about what I can say, what I can do, when I can do this alone... I also want to experiment with vlogs (for the mentally dumb, that's a video blog). I have yet to ask my friends if it's okay to use there names in case necessary, most likely I won't even with permission.

So write now im watching Myth Busters on Discovery Channel, and I was thinking about how AWESOME their commercial is. BOOM DE YADDA ALL THE WAY! If you want to see a fab parody. check out Which then brings me on the topic of web comics... which I should prolly shut up about now before i rant about how ill-suited Marten and Dora are for eachother in Questionable Content. Alright done blogging for now. Don't cha just wish i was more exciting? xD

P.S. You may also notice a random pic with every post. Do not expect them to match my post, expect the unexpected which means I may match one now and then! (OH NOES >o<)

OOOOH BLOGGY! *test test*

I love these blogger thingers. Seriously. Well as you can obviously tell, I am starting a blog today. Oh and my name is Abbey. Just so ya know. So this blog isn't gonna be about anything in particular, but prolly a lot of it will be about music, or maybe just about my day. A Daily Rant. Yeessshhh, so now i know how all this stuff works, I'm gonna post this and see how it looks. WOO.